The helicopter landed on a bare paved space known as a parking lot.
They crossed a paved space and came to a lighted building away from the casino.
A paved median space runs down the centre of the street, featuring monuments and statues to various Irish political leaders.
There was an opening in the wall here, with a well-cleared, paved space before it.
The project would fund 100.8 acres of paved space at $240,000 per acre.
The Monument is surrounded by a paved space used by locals for morning exercises.
The man led them through a gate and across a wide paved space so hot her feet burned.
They came out on a large paved space, ringed by buildings in a better state of repair than those nearer the cut.
The square was a good twenty rods in length and ten in width, with the center simply an open, paved space.
He merged with the darkness of the paved space between the buildings.