The weekly auction is seen as a good barometer of what many banks will pay depositors in the weeks ahead.
Without higher taxes or more Federal borrowing, Congress would have to cut spending to pay depositors.
The Federal insurance fund had to step in to pay depositors who wanted to withdraw their money.
Currently, Argentine banks pay depositors about 2 percent daily interest.
Such insurance pays depositors all or part of their losses in the case of a bank run.
If losses continued, regulators would be required to close the bank while there were still reserves to pay depositors.
The Government agency plans to pay insured depositors and sell the bank's assets.
The report says that for five years some public money might be needed to pay depositors after an institution fails.
The loan was to pay "depositors and other creditors".
Most economists, however, believe the banks have almost no funds to loan or to pay depositors.