But Mr. Dvorkin said pay inequities might also contribute to the debt problems of some young women.
"New York City is losing some of their brightest, finest, youngest, most talented police officers because of pay inequity," he said.
She also antagonized some feminists, notably by vetoing an early comparable-worth measure, which was billed as correcting pay inequities for many of the city's female and minority employees.
In an interview last week, Mr. Heilbron said his staff is exploring reasons for the pay inequities and will eventually suggest remedies, aside from case-by-case adjustments.
Gender discrimination remains a prevalent problem in the workplace and I will continue to work to end pay inequities.
In November voters approved a ballot measure directing city officials to resolve the pay inequities.
Post management undertook two studies of pay inequities during negotiations.
Club officials' reasoning for the pay inequity had included the thought that the top women players were more likely to earn more money at the tournament than the men.
"We are still second-class citizens," she said, acknowledging pay inequities, among other things.