Working fulltime for a company that doesn't pay pensions or sick pay?
You should only consider paying statutory sick pay (SSP) once an employee has been sick for at least four calendar days in a row.
Four years later, a Federal Court ruled that the Southern had to pay retroactive pay to these unfairly terminated workers.
"I'll have a problem getting nurses and will probably have to pay hazardous-duty pay to recruit nurses."
In 1984, he challenged paying legislators full pay and expenses during a 13-day Christmas holiday break.
You will be able to prove that you pay the national minimum wage and equal pay for work of equal value should you need to.
Pay full pay during the employee's paternity leave.
Still, Baldwin had trouble keeping pace with orders and in the early 1850s began paying workers piece-rate pay.
The issue was settled by a federal board of arbitration, which ruled that black workers should be paid equal pay for equal work.
It would also require employers to pay triple back pay when they illegally fired workers for supporting a union.