And for remaining internships that were once paid positions, the companies are now asking students to work for free.
Pastoral coordinators are paid positions with the diocese that can be filled by a deacon or a layman.
I do so hope they are paid positions but its difficult to see how with such a business model.
Instructors are typically paid positions and their duties range from assistant band director to working with specific sections such as a percussion instructor.
The website provides job listings for entertainment positions, both paid positions and internships.
They have raised money, taken voluntary and paid positions and eased the transition of others abandoning their vows.
They are almost always paid positions, with funds coming from the students' union itself, or directly from the educational institution.
National Archives offers paid & unpaid positions for students currently enrolled in undergraduate & graduate programs.
These jobs are paid positions often in public interest fields, such as education, the environment, health, the government sector, social services, and other nonprofits.
Some of the principals are paid positions.