While playing for the Indians, Thomas agreed to a pay reduction of one day per week due to his missed Saturday games.
Eastern wants to cut labor costs 35 percent, and could force pay reductions of up to 60 percent on its union members.
Since the pay reductions, there has been about a 43 percent drop in the number of landlords coming into the program.
This agreement includes pay reductions at all levels, contracting out of non-core activities and a three year industrial peace clause.
The measures will range from letters of reprimand to one-time pay reductions of $4,000 or more.
It could cause as many as 361 layoffs and 5% pay reductions for state workers.
In September 2011, the company implemented a temporary 5% pay reduction and gave employees additional days off with pay as compensation.
Proposals for a pay reduction were made but that will not solve the problems we have.
The nonunion staff has been cut 20 percent, and everyone, Ms. Rosenberg included, took a pay reduction.
She argued that the plan would discriminate against single parents, who would be less likely to afford the pay reduction.