Low interest rates have left many bank customers scrambling to find safe investments that pay higher returns than savings accounts.
"Spending on marketing is an investment that pays returns," he wrote.
Early investors are paid returns with the investment money received from the later investors.
The company's efforts elsewhere, by contrast, had paid handsome returns.
Although the accounts would pay generous returns, a study showed that the cost to the city would be modest.
Either way, we have no choice but to limit investments that pay poor social returns.
Martínez, who signed a four-year, $53 million contract in the winter, is already paying returns, drawing thousands of his own supporters.
For only the second time ever, the Treasury sold government bonds - known as gilts - that will pay returns below the level of inflation.
The only way to continue paying such high returns is to recruit ever more investors.
Ponzi schemes typically pay returns of 20% or higher, and collapse quickly.