He paid numerous visits to German educational and scientific organizations.
Similar attention is not being paid to the many individuals and organizations struggling to find effective ways to stop the violence.
The circus settled the case by paying $20,000 to organizations that protect endangered elephants.
These costs are bills that are paid directly to outside organizations as part of the logistical support needed to run the parks.
The 1987 contributions are still at issue because the United States generally pays its contribution to international organizations a year late.
By contrast, radio stations that use the airwaves must pay a flat fee of about $600 a year to organizations that represent songwriters.
The award pays tribute to organizations and individuals making significant contributions to the corporate compliance and business ethics profession.
All profits from these activities are paid to non-profits organizations that hold bingo licences.
The state is also offering to pay $600 - an increase from $300 - to nonprofit organizations for each homeless family they place in housing.
They claim that unwilling food companies and unwitting consumers are forced to pay money to Jewish organizations to support Zionist causes and Israel.