It must be paid before any policy benefit is payable by an insurance company.
For $25 (payable by credit card over the phone) it will send a list of its members.
The price, $125 a person, is payable by check to the fire companies.
Payable by employers on their employees' benefits in kind, such as a company car or private medical insurance.
The compensation is payable by the company, and every officer of it.
A total of £34,315 was demanded, payable by 30 June 1932.
Payable by the company, the fee is usually more than 20 percent of the executive's salary.
A recent law raised the taxes payable by foreign companies, which are now threatening legal action.
Not normally, because there is no price paid or payable by you to the supplier.
This is an amount payable by each adult to help cover the cost of local services.