The pending suit says that the payments resulted from "secret negotiations" and that rank-and-file members did not learn of them until last year.
We consider payments improper if they result from:
The payment resulted from the fact that his three-year contract had some time to run.
Lump-sum payments to physicians will result in denial of care.
Procedure varies from company to company, but as little as two late payments can result in a mark on your permanent financial record.
A Revenue and Customs survey of five sample orchestras said full payment would result in four going into bankruptcy.
The payment resulted in the site being available the next morning.
And that one extra month's payment, he said, can result in considerable savings over time.
Normal payments would result in $218,369 in interest over the 30-year life of the mortgage.
The Treasury secretary said the bigger payment resulted from the booming economy and a growth in tax revenue.