Eventually, however, payments start to drop beneath the real cost of providing services.
On a 15-year mortgage, the payments start going toward principal far earlier.
Your payments start out low, and then increase every two years.
Depending on the premium, the waiting period before the payments start can range from 30 days to 6 months or more.
Those payments, to be paid to 32 million people, start at $7.
The payments started a long time before there was ever any thought of selling Nor'easter.
With this plan, your payments start out low and increase every two years.
The maximum federal payment would start at $1,000 a year in 2003 and rise to $2,500 in 2009.
In its original proposal, which the faculty rejected, the university said the payments would start Jan. 1.
The extra cash will help tide them over until payments start coming in again.