It was one of the songs that Sony paid radio stations to play in the 2005 payola scandal.
His career soon suffered a massive downturn when he was involved in the payola scandal of 1960.
In 1986, they revealed evidence of a new payola scandal in radio.
The payola scandals, with many leading disk jockeys caught taking money to play records, were no help either.
Q. Describe the payola scandals that hit radio a few decades ago.
His career was destroyed by the payola scandal that hit the broadcasting industry in the early 1960s.
Freed's punishment from the payola scandal was not severe.
Until the payola scandal broke in 1959, Clark had been careful to keep his dealings low key and generally out of the public eye.
Much early commercial radio was completely freeform; this changed drastically with the payola scandals of the 1950s.
He was caught up in the payola scandal of late 1950s, and admitted to having accepted thousands of dollars for playing certain records.