Like the 10 others holding the same sign, Ms. Greet, 66, was once part of the peace vigil.
Every week since the war began, peace vigils have taken place in at least 90 locales.
And still to come, a peace vigil in Belfast, speakers urge terrorists on both sides to leave the community alone.
She took up a third corner as an extension of the peace vigil, not in opposition to it, she said.
The center and its staff have sponsored weekly silent peace vigils since 2001's September 11 attacks.
The group typically holds a peace vigil twice a day in front of the courthouse.
There are indications that the number of attacks on foreigners has dropped since the police crackdown and the peace vigils began.
Global Exchange reported receiving a bomb threat after one of its peace vigils.
It is thought to be the longest running peace vigil in US history.
He took the panels to a peace vigil in Bridgehampton instead, he said.