"I for one am not yet convinced that additional troops will pave the way for a peaceful Iraq," she said.
"Looking for a peaceful Iraq after the elections would be a mistake," he said.
We are no closer to a peaceful, democratic Iraq than we were on the first day of the invasion.
A democratically elected assembly is the best remaining hope for eventually achieving a unified, peaceful Iraq.
The administration sees a peaceful and democratic Iraq emerging from the rubble and death we have created.
Only then will the objective of a free, peaceful and productive Iraq be achieved.
He predicted "a free, democratic and peaceful Iraq will emerge."
"You could take the path that leads to a new Iraq, a peaceful, democratic Iraq," he said.
A secure, democratic and peaceful Iraq, within its present borders, can exert a positive influence for peace and stability across the entire region.
There is no guarantee that if they do, they will produce a decent, stable, peaceful Iraq.