Free, democratic and peaceful Somalia will give the world back a reward in a form of co operation and trouble free Seas and the region of east Africa.
If I may I would like to end with a word of advice to Somali leaders; please put a side your differences and personal ambition and book yourself a place in the history to be remember as heroes who bring back peaceful Somalia.
I have high hopes for this meeting taking place in my city London, I hope the outcome will be a peaceful Somalia for the benefit of both the Somali people in the Diaspora and those in all regions of Somalia.
Although Al-Islah have been criticized by some hardcore Islamists who considered them to be influenced by imperialist western values, Al-Islah speaks of democratic peaceful Somalia.
The British Government is supporting a united peaceful and stable Somalia.
Secondly, the United Kingdom is committed to supporting the UN-led Djibouti peace process and working with the Somalis and international partners to build a peaceful and stable Somalia.