If they ended it on a tonic G chord, in the work's home key, the resolution would suggest peaceful accord.
Already, he said, "the Vietnamese are withdrawing, and Hun Sen is becoming more conciliatory in his attempts to reach a peaceful accord with the resistance forces."
"This is the most peaceful accord we've had on rules in the last two decades."
A peaceful accord between former enemies?
Any hope of a peaceful accord between them had been shattered and Darkhorse knew that it was his own fault as well as Shade's.
The earl returned in 1052 with a substantial armed force, but eventually reached a peaceful accord with the king.
Within two days of their capture, a peaceful accord had been reached between the newcomers and the original prisoners.
However, mutual commercial interest will bring the States together and keep them in a peaceful accord.
Bernardo Rucellai and other members of the Florentine oligarchy acted as ambassadors to negotiate a peaceful accord.
He felt relieved, strangely at ease, as if more had been settled that day than the peaceful accord of three diverse and independent races.