The story follows the peaceful alien invasion of Earth by the mysterious Overlords, whose arrival ends all war, helps form a world government, and turns the planet into a near-utopia.
After a summer of urban youth violence, Denver residents said they were pleasantly surprised by a peaceful invasion of cheerful and law-abiding young people.
The 10,000-person crew watched the peaceful invasion of naked people in helpless dismay but their feeling of desperation grew as the human stream pouring from the hatch simply did not end.
In high season, beaches and forts echo again with Spanish, this time from the peaceful invasion of Argentine tourists.
But unlike the battering of the two world wars, he said, the country this time was being undermined by a peaceful invasion of "pretty slogans about democracy and human rights."
What we're facing is a peaceful invasion.
"We are threatend," he said, "by a peaceful invasion."
As for the authorities, their hands are pretty much tied in the face of this peaceful invasion from a neighboring country.
Probably the greatest potential cultural impact of this peaceful invasion lies in the introduction of capitalism and entrepreneurship.
The German high command tried to stage the attack on Denmark as a peaceful invasion in an attempt to score propaganda points.