Liverpool, however, was in principle a free-trader, but had to accept the bill as a temporary measure to ease the transition to peacetime conditions.
They were created to assist, support and augment National Guard forces during peacetime conditions.
The war caused a massive distortion in the deployment of resources when compared with peacetime conditions.
Everyone pretended that normal peacetime conditions were in effect.
This is a description of an industrial disaster seldom experienced in peacetime conditions.
Donitz and his advisers conferred continually, for the most part on the adjustment from war to peacetime conditions.
During normal peacetime conditions, Starfleet might have several dozen ships temporarily out of service for maintenance or upgrades.
With the return of peacetime conditions, a No. 1 Dress in dark blue was re-adopted, similar in form to that worn before the war.
Now that would demoralize everybody, including me, even under peacetime conditions.
The peacetime condition also added a new factor which greatly increased the importance of consolidation.