But many company executives, seeking to convert their companies to a peacetime economy, are desperate for any opportunity to generate revenue.
However, these workers need not experience pain if both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue genuinely want a peacetime economy.
The maintenance and extension of price controls to keep down the cost of living in the transition to a peacetime economy.
This diversity facilitated the area's transition to a peacetime economy though the petroleum industry again became a major focus.
America returned to a peacetime economy as quickly as she had converted her industries to the production of war materials.
After the war area economic diversification brought on by the war effort helped in the transition to a peacetime economy.
Of course, there were many factors at work in the late 1940's, most notably the transformation to a peacetime economy.
But with the arms race now receding into history, the industry has been urged to retool for the peacetime economy.
With the end of the war, they attempted to make a successful transition to a peacetime economy.
A roughly billion-dollar deal would have been ambitious even in a peacetime economy, but is especially impressive now.