For example, peach trees in full bloom can have their potential peach crop decimated by a spring freeze.
The peach crop contributes $50 million to the state's economy, according to the South Carolina Department of Agriculture.
This, he explained, was because the shortfall would be picked up by South Carolina, whose peach crop so far is said to be doing fine.
Failure of the peach crop eventually resulted in the end of the Rockaway Railroad.
Texas's $10 million fruit industry suffered sizable losses, especially in peach crops, agriculture experts reported.
In addition to celebrating the peach crop from local growers, the festival also showcases local arts and crafts vendors.
Farming in the area is rich in peach crops and some strawberries, and the production is large.
A "peach boom" lasted from about 1830 to 1870 until a blight called "the yellows" destroyed the peach crops.
It still produces a major portion of the peach crop of Illinois, and farmers raise corn and other commodities.
The peach crop in Bartow County was expanded.