Another report states that the peak age is eleven or twelve, with an estimated 25% of children having experienced at least one episode.
Baby boomers, 38 to 56 years old, have not reached the peak age for homeownership, which is 65.
The peak age for tantrums is two to three, but they can happen earlier.
The peak age for appendicitis is from 15 to 30.
She knows that the peak age for offending is 18.
The average peak age for offending was 15 but is now 18.
We can pick over whether the peak age is 15 or 18, but I am saying that crime has doubled.
The peak age for the condition is 12-14 years.
I had a baby at 40, the peak age to get rheumatoid arthritis.
Trichotillomania may be present in infants, but the peak age of onset is 9 to 13.