However, he has trained his body to be in absolute peak physical condition.
She knew that Seven kept himself in peak physical condition for a human being, but she'd never realized he could dodge a laser beam.
Why is it you reach your peak physical condition the last day of elk season and not the first?
Jackson is in peak physical condition and his relationship with Anthony is solid.
The nanos do see you are at your peak condition.
His health was good, and a lifetime of military training had kept him in peak physical condition.
Holland's next go-ahead rests with the Packers, who must determine if he is in peak physical condition.
He kept himself in peak condition by adhering to a daily regimen of stretching, exercise, and practice.
Hammerhead is in peak physical condition comparable to that of an Olympic level athlete.
At 37 he is in peak physical condition and shows no signs of slowing down.