Jupiter Jones looked up at the peaks towering above them.
In the distance, around the peaks towering against the sky, dark clouds were banking.
The peaks of rugged mountains towered into the drifting clouds.
Snow-covered peaks towered above them, the snow hanging over the edges.
The region is a large one, defined visually by the mountain, a rocky peak towering 3,165 feet above the surrounding plain.
According to thepictures taken from the overheads this unnamed peak towered over the jail.
The islands are the peaks of undersea volcanoes, towering from the sea, some of which were still active until very recently.
Our shleths were grazing nearby; those scarifying peaks of the Alps towered beyond.
Northward the Dale ran up into a glen of shadows between two great arms of the mountains, above which three tall white peaks towered.
It depicts a land with three extraordinary peaks towering over modest plateaus rising above vast flat expanses.