The workers and peasants were fighting to start a revolution, not to help save their government.
Pugachev's vague rhetoric inspired not only Cossacks and peasants to fight, but also indigenous tribes on the eastern frontier.
Even if peasants don't fight, they are not immune to the effects of warfare, and declining economic opportunity also hit their capacities to make a living.
Due to darkness, Sverre and his troops pulled away while local peasants fought against each other.
At Lobozew, some 2,000 peasants fought the police and the soldiers, with five casualties.
The peasants fought back, burning haciendas and killing landowners.
Barbarians fight this way, peasants fight this way.
Do you realize filthy merchants and peasants, even eta, could fight this way?
It's true - peasants could fight this way.
Their peasants fight back.