Because of your peculiar attributes and circumstances, many persons are watching how it will go with you, and I am watching also.
The object type had many different subtypes (such as door, key, armor, weapon, teleport device, money, chest, and so on), and each subtype had a set of attributes peculiar to that subtype.
One of the Clash's peculiar attributes was that it managed to alienate both the popular and the punk audiences with little effort.
Are you ready to handle a child with his peculiar attributes?
The BBC's Blue Planet have featured deep sea creatures, highlighting their peculiar attributes.
Their most peculiar attribute was the complete lack of any visual organs.
If people and businesses are freed by technology to move wherever they want, he reasons, then "the question of where to locate becomes increasingly contingent on the peculiar attributes of any given location."
That the fauna seems unusually rich, is a product of detailed investigation, rather than an attribute peculiar to this one patch of land.
"Beauty is a most peculiar attribute," Carfilhiot declared.
Those seas . . . liquid water covering two thirds of the globe ... no other world circling the sun shared that peculiar attribute.