That ghastly neologism is just the latest example of the peculiar American tendency toward tautological idioms.
This change is wasteful of expensive U-235, but reduces the RBMK reactor's peculiar tendency to speed up uncontrollably under certain operating conditions.
These peculiar tendencies of roans led to the Icelandic word for roan, which translates as "always changing color."
His wife, it was said, had a peculiar tendency to talk about her ancestors as if she had daily conversations with them.
The rider seemed to slump a little in the saddle, in the direction of his horse's off side, a tendency peculiar to only one man he knew.
This edition of the New Testament arose out of the peculiar tendency among the Taylor Exclusive Brethren to complete and exact uniformity.
The British media's peculiar psychological tendency to build up sportsmen only to make them scapegoats, at a later stage, for wider national ills is well enough recognised by cricketers.
He felt the withering of an old habit--a human's peculiar tendency to think about Romulans as just Vulcans gone sour.
Either that, or Koppel has a peculiar tendency to speak from the mountaintop inside his own head.
The stem bark has a peculiar tendency to peel off in several successive thin layers with different colors, hence the common name "sevenbark".