The first symptom of their disbelief is a rush, like a cocaine rush, the peculiarly contemporary feeling of being beyond hope, of having nothing further to lose.
Despite the lack of nomenclature - legal or otherwise - for this peculiarly contemporary relationship, we managed to converse with fluency.
Yet these art-history Pragues add up to something peculiarly contemporary: post-modern Prague.
Alienation of this all-embracing kind is a peculiarly contemporary phenomenon.
But they are a peculiarly contemporary incarnation of the people who preceded them.
Psychology without the concept of transience cannot take account of precisely those phenomena that are peculiarly contemporary.
The contest between prosecutor and defendant, the climactic scene of so many courtroom dramas, took a peculiarly contemporary form.
The television screenplay by Andrew Davies even puts a speech or two into Melmotte's mouth that make him seem a peculiarly contemporary market-villain.
The monochromatic simplicity and realism of the picture evoke a peculiarly contemporary feeling.
Lord Henry espouses a peculiarly contemporary kind of moderation, indulging his brain but not his body, employing Dorian as a proxy hedonist.