In point of pecuniary gain, all things considered, they are generally under-recompensed, as I shall endeavour to show by and by.
The murder was committed for pecuniary gain or pursuant to an agreement that the defendant would receive something of value.
"What these people were seeking to do was to influence an election for their own personal pecuniary gain, for no other purpose whatsoever, in my opinion."
A state law passed in 1998 prohibits providing or accepting "pecuniary gain" for absentee ballot collection.
No competitor shall be allowed to make any pecuniary gain or profit from such payment.
The way *I* heard it, the "pecuniary gain" is listening to the music without paying the 99 cents (or so).
No ransom is to be be paid, so as not to open up a channel for criminals to make pecuniary gains.
The former is organized for the protection of rights, mainly rights to pecuniary gain.
The pecuniary gain is not obvious, but I had bought freedom into the bargain.
The nature of those circumstances is such that they make up for a small pecuniary gain in some, and counterbalance a great one in others.