His pedantic manner was quaint at times.
Behind that pedantic manner there was force.
Unfortunately, it does so in an often pedantic and sometimes patronizing manner that will frustrate the less determined reader.
Ewan McGregor spoke in an oddly pedantic and ponderous manner throughout, which I found mildly irritating.
Mr. Leathern said in his slow pedantic manner, "Why, certainly, I think that Sir George's sug-gestion will meet with the fullest approval from all of us.
"There's no question about it," Levine said, in his pedantic manner.
Were it not for his voice from beyond the grave, I might have been amused by his pedantic manner.
They may have a pedantic and precise manner of speaking, intermingled with inventive wordplay.
"It isn't a headache," The Doctor began in his most pedantic manner.
"I understand you've put yourself through considerable pain and trouble on my behalf, Mr. Davis," he began in a curiously pedantic manner.