He spent most of his time peering rather apprehensively out of a side window.
In the strongest and most imaginative sequence, women peer apprehensively from behind window blinds that have suddenly flapped down.
The son was Willy's age, and was snuffling and peering apprehensively over his shoulder at the front door.
Kelson stuck very close to Morgan as they descended the stairs, peering apprehensively into the darkness ahead.
He peered apprehensively into the faces of the two men who regarded him carefully.
Once there he steadied himself, his hand on the ladder rail, and peered apprehensively aft.
Actually he was peering apprehensively for any of the little spears and swords Slinoor had mentioned.
It shows a small boy peering apprehensively into a basement filled with wide-eyed monsters.
As the three of them passed across the wide hall, an elderly butler peered from a doorway apprehensively.
Artists, especially, whom we presume to be particularly sensitive to our dilemmas and our dreams, are peering apprehensively into the abyss of the future.