Now the grime-filmed upper-level windows of their facades peered sadly across at each other over gape-mouthed loading bay entrances whose shutters were all jammed somewhere uncommitted between open and closed.
Through the smoke she thought she saw H'ani's little heart-shaped face peering sadly out at her.
Chrissie nodded glumly, her bruised and scratched face peering sadly at Bodie, a small reflection in his rear-view mirror.
Omally raised his glass and peered sadly through its now empty bottom.
"Most of the settlers seem to have been sent east," Thom said, peering sadly into his cup.
The mist curled around the legs of their horses, and on the branches of nearby oak trees, owls peered sadly.
He could see his young son peering sadly out the bedroom window as if he were being punished for something.
I'll be needin' mair shag and all,'he bent and picked up the clay stump and peered into the empty bowl sadly.
He turned the bottle round, peering at it sadly.
Arson investigators from the Bergen County Prosecutor's Office were sifting through the rubble in what they called a routine investigation as family members and longtime employees peered sadly at decades of music history smoldering in a steady rain.