He peered worriedly at her name tag as she approached, smiling.
She leaned back through the door to peer worriedly down the hall toward the guardroom.
Tinka was peering worriedly out; her husband had not yet returned.
Tom peered worriedly over the Dragon's nose but they were still too high for him to make out details.
Now he looked up to see cold blue sky overhead, and Cheeky's small face peering worriedly into his own.
He forced himself to open his eyes, saw Zeb peering at him worriedly.
Faile had his head in her hands, peering into his face worriedly.
Jackie glanced back as she reached the end of the hall and wasn't terribly surprised to see him peering worriedly toward the front door.
He was dismissing the others, except for Arrhidaios, who came to peer worriedly down at her.
Sarah peered back worriedly into the darkness of the dunes.