These books contain pen-and-ink illustrations of the stories.
And pen-and-ink botanical illustrations by Francesca Anderson will be exhibited through Oct. 3.
It was his story of a stray tomcat, for which he also drew pen-and-ink illustrations.
Paul Giovanopoulos provided 20 pen-and-ink illustrations for the story.
This book includes original pen-and-ink illustrations and photographs plus a unique pull-out map of Dunstable town centre.
In Naples he began 100 pen-and-ink illustrations for Petronius' Satyricon.
This artwork was retained for the 1960 revision, which also added a frontispiece and five pen-and-ink internal illustrations.
Tyler's lovely watercolor and pen-and-ink illustrations easily reflect the story's alternating perspectives.
His pen-and-ink illustrations were published in the magazine Amateur Art & Camera in 1954.
Her skill as a draughtsman appears in innumerable witty pen-and-ink illustrations to her letters.