However, the development of increasingly powerful processors and some clever software means the pen-based computers are starting to become available at a realistic price.
A pen-based computer can thus bring computing power to people who do not type or whose work frequently takes them out of the office.
So far, only a few pen-based computers are on the market.
With a pen-based computer, the writer is producing only a few characters a second.
But a new operating system tailored for pen-based computers, while reducing compatibility, could make them far more effective.
Not all computer companies are rushing to develop pen-based computers, however.
Big Blue says it plans to introduce its pen-based computer by the end of the year.
In 1988, he left to develop a pen-based computer through his new Active Book Company.
But portable pen-based computers will put such technology to its stiffest test.
The advent of pen-based computers could turn digitizing-tablet technology from a small, specialty business into a huge one.