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This vital human element makes the study of penality a complex and uncertain business.
The maximum criminal penality in Colombia is 30 years in prison.
He also criticized both men for supporting the death penality and opposing a moratorium on executions.
At the Bar: A death penality lawyer suffers near-death professionally.
Marxist penology applies this method of analysis (known as 'historical materialism') to the study of penality.
According to Buhagiar, "psychoanalytic criminologists were not adverse to the principle of confinement, and often favored increased penality".
(We shall be using the word 'penality' to include ideas about punishment as well as concrete penal practices (cf.
Like many areas of sociology, the sociology of punishment lends itself to (often radically) differing approaches which provide rival explanations of penality.
You'll be subject to a late-payment penality of 0.5 percent a month of the balance due up to a maximum of 25 percent, plus the penalty and interest for late payments.
A Mafia don in Italy gave himself up after seeing the Pope on television; the President of Guatemala abolished the death penality 48 hours after a papal appeal for a moratorium.
But now comes George Pataki, a rock 'em-sock 'em conservative Republican Governor who promises to revive the death penality, clamp down on all violent criminals and stanch the state's financial hemorrhaging.