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Your penally for the crass remark is to become my personal love slave.
In the process, Perry led the Ducks in penally minutes.
Penally is also the location of Hoyles Mouth Cave where paleolithic people once lived.
He scored his first goal in a friendly match against China in Oman from the penally kick.
The employee was fired and penally condemned, causing widespread Sardinian nationalist sentiment, sometimes including violent political disputes which finally led to the law officialising the language.
Penally railway station serves the village of Penally in Pembrokeshire, Wales.
I can best indicate by examples those reactions by which every part of Nature replies to the purpose of the actor, -- beneficently to the good, penally to the bad.
The tribunal's decision was not wholeheartedly received by LGBT rights activists, who criticized its characterization of homosexuality as "abnormal conduct" that should be treated medically rather than penally sanctioned.
He added: 'All the changes I have made to the course are straightforward and have really been designed visually rather than penally - in other words, if someone is playing well, they will be rewarded.'
A statement by Mr. Cottee said Mr. Juppe was "penally liable" for accepting a lease offered by a city administration that Mr. Juppe directly supervised.
The same day, Jaime Granados, defense lawyer for Cárdenas, denounced penally González for retiring blood samples taken from Colmenares body, but offered no explanations about the motives of the attorney.
Penally Abbey is an old rectory, now the Penally Abbey Country House Hotel and Restaurant overlooking Carmarthen Bay in the village of Penally, about 1.5 miles from Tenby, Pembrokeshire, Wales.