Legislation was to indicate which types of weapons would be forbidden and the penalties imposed to violators.
When Connecticut legislators rewrote the law in 1973, they made the penalty particularly difficult to impose.
Because the severe penalties imposed for violating the once-a-year rule would gravely hinder his future work.
How do Magistrates decide what penalty to impose?
How do they actually decide in the end what penalty to impose, assuming a person's found guilty of course?
Legislation introduced at the end of last year, for the first time, imposes strict penalties on those who employ sans-papiers.
Rather, the purpose of this hearing is to determine what penalty to impose on Mr. Gingrich.
If there is an outcome that harassment took place, then the Employer should consider what penalty to impose against the harasser.
Mr. Roberts has scheduled meetings to determine what penalties to impose.
She said it was premature to discuss which penalties the department would impose if companies failed to meet the deadlines.