The creature planted his great, pendulous lips on those of the princess.
It has pendulous upper lips and long ears that create a serious expression.
They watched her, and a red tongue licked flabby, pendulous lips.
One has a grotesquely swollen foot; the second, an overgrown thumb; the third, a pendulous lip.
It has a large head, long ears, and pendulous lips.
The massive jaw had fallen and the red tongue hung out upon the pendulous lip.
The man who thrust his head out between them had a very large nose, a pendulous lower lip, jutting ears, and weak, watery eyes.
He sat looking at plaster sundaes, his lower lip pendulous with thought.
He had piglike little eyes, and his pendulous lower lip hung down farther than his chin.
Her mouth was much too full, and its fullness was accentuated by a pendulous lower lip.