We know that we'll be able to penetrate German airspace.
Although the B-1 can still penetrate Soviet airspace, it will be with less capability and greater risk to the pilot.
There have also been reports during the conflict that a Hezbollah-operated flying drone penetrated Israeli airspace, and returned to Lebanese territory.
The Darkstar was intended to penetrate protected airspace to observe high-value targets for a limited amount of time.
By the late 1950s, as missiles developed both in quality and number, the ability for the US air fleet to penetrate Soviet airspace was increasingly at risk.
In 1958, the ability of the B-47 to penetrate Soviet airspace became compromised by improvements to the Soviet air defense system.
It said that during the same period, aircraft flying in support of the contras penetrated Nicaraguan airspace 82 times, mostly from the direction of Honduras.
Even police helicopters in hot pursuit can't penetrate federal airspace without permission.
It is not legitimate to penetrate Syrian airspace.
The nuclear mission had now penetrated Soviet airspace.