Of course, there are electromagnetic fields and other similar things that penetrate space everywhere, so even empty space is not really quite empty.
The sensation penetrated space and time.
Since the Beetles had twice tried to penetrate Denebian space, that star system had been first to receive heliopausal sentinels.
Not surprisingly, the Futurists were early proponents of machine art, and the airplane, which penetrated space and clouds as it carried the machine age heavenward, was symbolically important.
The Zuman government couldn't penetrate interstellar space if it wished.
He was one of the developers of the V-2 rocket, the first rocket to penetrate space.
Rhodan was convinced that it was possible to penetrate space with it without any difficulty but what sense would that make?
Nothing can bar them out, or shut them in, but they penetrate the ocean and land, space and time, form and essence, and hold the key to universal nature.
Now we were penetrating intercosmic space in a giant of the void.
The Drusus had penetrated outer space long since and gone into its orbital course.