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From the pulpit, a priest intoned Psalm 51, a traditional penitential prayer.
After each blow they paused to utter a penitential prayer.
Selichot, containing the penitential prayers said on fast days and during the period around the High Holy Days.
A variety of piyyutim, medieval penitential prayers, are recited regarding themes of repentance.
Kneeling was considered most appropriate to penitential prayer, as distinct from the festive nature of Eastertide and its remembrance every Sunday.
He is best known for his penitential prayer to Ištar of Nineveh.
She slept on the ground, refused food, and devoted herself to penitential prayer.
The only change in the liturgy is that in some communities Tachanun, a penitential prayer omitted on holidays, is not said.
Special penitential prayers are recited on Monday, unless there is a special occasion for happiness which cancels them.
There will be repeated penitential prayers and gestures like striking the breast that indicate the worshiper's sinfulness.