Many just go for the pension cuts.
The other seven city council members have been arrested for misappropriating funds will receive similar pension cuts.
Unless the entire budget is vetoed, which the Governor has said won't happen, the pension cuts will go through.
More than 200,000 workers across the province will take industrial action over pension cuts, with representatives also objecting to wider government spending reductions.
If he asked for his rightful land back, he would have his pension cut, he said.
The Times editorial says pension cuts are fair to the taxpayer:
Public sector workers strike over pension cuts.
They faced pension cuts of up to 30% if they asked to retire at 60 following the imposition of the new rules.
The archdiocese emphasized that it wanted to be responsive to the concerns of the priests and that the pension cuts could change.
According to this special, which looks at how pension cuts, corporate bankruptcies and stock-market crashes will affect baby boomers, the correct answer is no.