Here are villages still waiting for Lenin's electrification of the country, and pensions owed since Soviet times.
The larger contributions would help to ensure that enough money is on hand to pay pensions owed in the near future.
To work around the restrictions and the political outrage concerning executive pay practices, some corporations-banks in particular-have turned to funding bonuses, deferred pay and pensions owed to executives by using with life insurance policies.
The goal is to raise the $103 billion that the government estimates it will need by 2020 to pay pensions owed to its workers.
By 1765, Cort had become a Royal Navy pay agent, charged with tasks including the collection of pensions owed to the survivors of naval officers from an office in Surrey Street off the Strand in London.
When that happens, the agency takes over the assets that are left in the pension fund, and puts that money toward paying the pensions owed to the company's retirees.
Bowing to pressure from the Federal Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, the prospective buyer for Western Union's money-transfer business said yesterday that it would reduce its bid by $300 million and assume full responsibility for the pensions owed to 16,000 Western Union employees and retirees.