The Government must honour in full the pension promises that have been accrued by scheme members.
And ultra-low interest rates have further increased the notional costs of meeting the pensions promise.
It is said that the pension promised him was not paid till the next reign.
In this case cuts to their terms and conditions and promised pensions that are basically deferred wages after all.
The P.B.G.C. believes that LTV can and should fund the pension promises it has made to its workers and retirees over the years.
"The rules must be changed to ensure that companies keep the pension promises they have made to their workers."
CAN New York City afford the pensions promised to its workers?
As a result, taxpayers must pay for full pensions promised to government employees.
An $83 million pension promised to Mr. McKinnell when he retires in a few years adds insult to injury.
That would be almost triple the $25,000 pension promised by Social Security starting a year later, at age 66.