But she'd started to let go all those pent-up feelings.
"This has just opened up a lot of pent-up feelings in school and out of school."
All of the pent-up racial feelings were suddenly released.
There was no way, then, in which Hercules could express his pent-up feelings.
All people need some cathartic outlet for pent-up feelings or they'll go mad.
"You've become a focal point, Ben, for a lot of pent-up feelings here and abroad."
Hatcher shook his head, and all the pent-up feelings that had been simmering boiled up again.
And then his pent-up feelings got the better of him.
He remembered the pent-up feelings of that boy during his first experience at indoor work.
Dixon said it was likely that there would be a players-only meeting on Wednesday to air out all the pent-up feelings.