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Around 40 people braved the icy weather to attend and judged the event to be a huge success.
About 150 people braved cold rain to come to the picturesque white church on the Village Green.
Despite a violent snowstorm, 3,500 people braved the weather and took part in the event.
The two had been here several times before, this special, taxing, mystical place where courageous people braved death together with righteousness on their side.
On that day, 4 people braved the weather to oppose the 2,000 abortions performed at the clinic each year.
The first race was held 7 years ago, when only 12 people braved the chilly, garbage-strewn waters around Manhattan.
Since the arrests, a few people have braved the police harassment.
Over 100 people braved the snow showers to protest at the sudden closure.
About 150 people braved the rainy weather that day to watch the historic takeoff.
Foot- traffic had diminished, and now only a few people braved the snow.