On such small islands there was hardly any privacy, because people constantly bumped into each other.
The desk was off center, sitting on a slight bias, as if two people had bumped into it while fighting.
It meant that if people bumped into him, they just bounced off.
This time last year, people were bumping into each other.
She went outside, where people told her that a car had hit a dog and bumped the person who had been walking it.
And remember: Hang the lamp where people will not bump their heads.
More people were bumping into Amy as she remained frozen in place.
Others believe that despite the ropes, people in the crowded lobby might bump into the work.
"It was designed to get people to bump into each other," he said, "and all the computer stuff they use will help."
But people bump around in the dark and talk until late; someone is always getting up early to catch a train.