And this kind of star power, some people contend, is the reason mandatory drug-testing will never come to pass.
One participant involved in training said people here have low self-esteem and must contend with almost daily harassment.
If that level is too high, many people contend, safety will not be increased.
But many people contend that nothing is wrong with the existing system.
However, some people contend that the changes made to the Agreement while good in principle, lack the "hard number goals, and actions to reach them."
Some black people contended that the Mayor was using the visit to his political advantage.
But people in the publishing industry contend that it is impossible to order new books for less than half price.
Some people contend, though, that the running clock is not as effective as it might seem.
The paper does not disclose the stores' names, although people in the industry contend that they are widely known.
Despite the objections from some civil rights groups, many other people contend that this year is the perfect time for the referendum.