At lunch, the room is filled with a power buzz that keeps people craning their necks, looking around to see who's here.
All chaos broke loose; people craned forward, stood on chairs and acted with complete abandon.
The people at the back couldn't see Esk and were craning to check if some interesting magic was going on.
The swirling pictures leave some people craning their necks to spot the projector.
I became aware of a couple people staring at me from afar, and a few more craning their necks for a better look.
The people about us craned their necks, and murmured again.
Others stared in amazement at the people craning their necks.
"Little Sara," explained the master of ceremonies while people craned and jostled to take in the sight.
The crowd was still excited, but the shouting had died down, and people craned to hear what was said.
Windows were thrown open, and people craned their necks to peer out into the night.