My people dwelt here, learning to manufacture their food and drink from such material as was at hand.
These poor people did not dwell on the double catastrophe which had obliterated all their hopes.
Therefore great people dwell in the thick, not the thin.
The Dragon flew in a search pattern, lower to the ground, so that they had every opportunity of finding places where people might dwell.
It seemed incredible that people dwelt, and could find room to turn or air to breathe, in such a corner of the world.
These people dwell in the 20th century, maybe even the 21st.
It isn't a subject that most people like to dwell on; it may never even have occurred to you.
How people can dwell in such places passes my comprehension.
There was no physical reason why people could not dwell here within sight of blacksky or even directly under it.
No people dwell here now, but many other things live here, or used to - especially birds.